Thursday, August 25, 2011

Congo Countdown~ 3,2,1!!!

Amazing how time flies! Hard to believe we finally get to fly off to meet our precious kiddos in Congo in less than 35 hours! Our dear friend, Phil Layton and us take off from Sacramento THIS Saturday at 8:19 and arrive in Washington D.C. at 4:30 (almost a 5 hour flight), barring any action from Hurricane Irene that is. Ethiopian Airlines is putting us up at the Embassy Suites in DC because the next flight isn't until the next morning. Very nice!! Gabe will be very happy with the big breakfast they serve : ). Sunday morning flight at 11:45~ about 13 hours from DC to Addis Abbaba in Ethiopia. From there, almost 4 hours to our final destination at 12:19: the city of Lubumbashi in The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), where our little ones wait for Mama and Papa... So can't wait to finally meet these precious ones and kiss those sweet faces!!


  1. My heart is rejoicing with you! I will be upholding you in prayer!
    Love you much!

  2. Gabe, Josie and Wilmarth kids...
    what an exciting time in your lives!
    It is awesome to see where God has led you and how He has put this on your hearts!
    We will be praying for you and your amazing journey! We look forward to seeing you and meeting your two new babies (kids) :)
    Have a safe trip and we will see you when you get back! Lot of Love,
    Kristie & family

    Matthew 19:14
    Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
