Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sun, Sept. 4

Today was an exciting day of worship with the local church. I love the difference in worship style and the interactions of people during the service. Quite a bit noisier that a typical U.S. service, with a lot less sleeping.
Unfortunately someone broke into the church building sometime Saturday night and stole all 80 of the plastic/patio chairs that are used for the congregation. At $10 per chair this is quite a big expense, especially in this country. 30 more were purchased just before the service and some were borrowed from a local pub. Some of the congregation brought chairs from home. What a special group of believers. I told a couple of the men after the service, in my broken French, that I look forward to the day when we will be citizens of the same kingdom and speak the same language.

Phil Layton preached in English which was translated into French by Didier which was translated into Swahili by Mickey. It was quite the international congregation. At the end of the service communion was held and then a lunch gathering. Many members of the congregation wanted a picture with us and the twins. We felt like quite the celebrities.

Afterward we went back to the orphanage and had a relaxing afternoon. A second soccer game with the boys, a ball kicking lesson with Brandon (you know, the two yard - two year old kicks) and goofy antics while sitting around with everyone on the patio. Kara started slowly warming up to us in the evening after a crying episode at church. Brandon loves it whenever he sees us. He oozes “boy”. He loves balls and cars and airplanes.

Josie and Zephanie

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