Sunday, July 13, 2014

Josie's trip in review in pics, part 2

Marion painted boats near the ceiling

Ocean creature outlines in colors of the sea

Dear Papa and daughter : )

One of the many magnificent coral sunsets I mentioned in a previous blog : )  Pics don't do them justice...

We were presented Congolese clothes by the very kind Judge and his wife.  What fun to wear! : )  Here we stand flanking Didier at the hospital (after church, we visited Pastor Coco and his wife, one of the three other Pastor's, who had just had their first baby, a beautiful boy : ).

We painted the hands of each orphan for their parents (or parents to be).

We painted the orphanage in an ocean theme (can you tell ; )?  Here's the Nemo Wall.  We worked with the brown that was already there.

Close up of the wall (left side)

Close up on the right

We also re-painted the hands of the children (the 14 ex-orphans) that Didier has already adopted out (borrowing the hand of one child : ).  We wrote their names on the painted hands, and when they left for America from Congo.  Pictures of the kids in the U.S. are being sent to add to the wall also.

last wall: the measuring wall.  We wanted adoptive parents to be able to see how tall their kiddos were.

Thank you once again for all of you who prayed, sacrificed time, talent and treasure to help richly bless these very dear people!  Didier and Annie were so grateful for all the toys, medical supplies, books (thanks for hours of printing Mary and GBC for the laminator!) and other helpful supplies, shoes and clothes for the orphans as well as some for Pastor Didier and his family.  We also taught Annie how to make paper beads and sent lots of beading supplies thanks to many donators here in the States!  Paper bead making was slow going at first, but within a short amount of time, she was eagerly rolling away the long slips of paper to make more and more beads for jewelry.  Who knows?  You might have the opportunity to purchase a piece some day! : )

Know that your prayers and donations were a tremendous encouragement to us, and most importantly a tremendous encouragement to Didier and Annie and their family! : )  Please keep Didier and Compassion for Congo in your thoughts and prayers..  God is doing tremendous work through Pastor Didier yet he faces opposition on various fronts.  The enemy is not pleased at what he is doing and will do whatever he can to stop him.  It is indeed wonderful that we serve a great God who already has the victory! Though Satan will attempt to destroy anything good, and may delay and complicate things for Didier (and awaiting parents!), he cannot stop what our sovereign God has decreed.  Amen and amen!!

Let us keep lifting Didier, Annie and the other 3 Pastors up to the throne of grace!

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